Tel: 07900 894160

Dendra Consulting Ltd

Arboriculture & Ecology

Habitat Surveys (UK Habs)

The baseline survey designed to establish the potential ecological significance of a proposed development site. Target notes will identify any ecologically significant features. Such features may then be the subject of detailed ecological investigation/survey.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)

Baseline reports incorporating a habitat survey, protected species assessment and initial biodiversity net gain calculations.

Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

Detailed reports to support a planning application. The EcIA will assess the impacts of a development proposal  and make recommendations for mitigation and compensation. Includes full biodiversity net gain calculations.

Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)

Stage 1 screening and Stage 2 appropriate assessment to support planning applications for developments with the potential to affect European designated sites such as Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC).

Protected species

We carry out risk assessment and full survey for a range of species including: Bats, Great Crested Newts, Otter, Water vole, Badger, Red squirrel, Birds and Reptiles. These can form part of the PEA and EcIA or be standalone reports

Ecology reports for BREEAM purposes

We have the experience and qualifications necessary to undertake ecology surveys for projects requiring credits under BREEAM

Bat mitigation licensing

Our staff can prepare full EPS licences for bats and register sites on a Bat Low Impact Class License.

Aerial tree inspections for bat roosts

We can undertake detailed aerial inspections of trees using trained climbers and Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP).

Conservation Management Plans

We can prepare management plans covering a range of habitats. These can form part of a mitigation/compensation scheme and net gain assessment, or be standalone reports for the management of nature reserves, local wildlife sites, etc.